Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Coming Evangelical Collapse, etc.

Some things I found interesting lately:

A thought provoking article by Michael Spencer argues that the end of the evangelical church is fast approaching.

Mark Galli, editor of CT, responds to Spencer

R. Scott Clark responds to Galli.

Russell Moore, Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, asks in an editorial in my favorite journal Touchstone (subscribe now!): "Why do our pastors and church leaders speak bluntly about homosexuality but not about divorce? Because, in many cases, they know the faces of the divorced people in the pews before them—and they fear losing the membership statistics or the revenue those faces represent."

Time Magazine has said that, of the 10 things that are now shaping the world, they rank " the new Calvinism" as number 3. What?! Quotes by Mohler, etc.

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