Monday, May 4, 2009

Multisight churches- Good idea or no? and Perry Noble Unleashed

The latest 9 Marks Journal is a must read. It is on the issue of multi-site churches and has articles by those who defend it and those who condemn it. Read it here.

I hope that we will see some reactions to this posted here. Hint Hint!

My initial reaction, having not read the articles yet, is that I am anti-multi-site. I'm not sure how one can be "Baptist" in their polity while pastoring, what seems to me to be, a parish-type set up. The other concern I have is simply in terms of the definition of the local church. One of the articles by Jonathan Leeman seems to echo my concerns, but there are voices on the other side I'm looking forward to hearing.

I'm also curious if any of you have seen the following clip of Perry Noble. It has been a hot topic lately. What says you?


roanokepastor said...

Wow, maybe i am misunderstanding this "shepherd." What he said about it "being more important to know Jesus than the pastor" is true. You can certainly attend a church, not know the pastor personally and have real relationship with Jesus. I guess i was somewhat disturbed by what i saw as arrogance in the way in which he presented his point. Again, i could be off base here all together since i don't know this buy personally.
I then followed a link to a service at Rev. Noble's church where they played "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. Now this here I KNOW i am not off base. I mean whats up with that? Oh, it's just an illustration....ok. When do we start showing some soft porn to illustrate something so we can be "relevant?" C'mon man. Do we just keep sucking this up because he has a big church so he must know what he's doing? How many places are just feeding the flesh? Then we label them as "a successful church." By whose standards? The "denominational census board" or by God? Very, sad....
I just don't get it.....maybe that's why i am not very relevant, LOL.
It's certainly easy to critique a clip and make some wrong assumptions. It something quite different to see something wrong and not address it. I guess my question is-- in light of all this junk that get thrown at us as "good for our church plant" do we ever say "no!, this ain't right according?"
I am sure many will disagree. But to quote Rev. Noble..."I don't give a rip what YOU think!"
(just kidding, love you guys)

Anonymous said...

This would be a great topic for our next regional CPN.

doug said...

Chris- I think you are right. Anybody else want to put in their two cents?

And, regarding Perry Noble- I am going to agree with his basic point that knowing a pastor won't get you to heaven- but, and this is a BIG but....I believe the rest of what he says is shameful. Can you imagine Paul saying "I'm not sacrificing my family on the altar of ministry to hang out with people that make me feel uncomfortable eating food that doesn't taste good"?

A suspicion that I have been having lately is that some of this "superstar" pastor types are really evangelists that do grow churches through their organizing skills and their appeals for people to "buy in" to what they are doing and whom God could use them mightily on the mission field, etc., but that they have no business being "shepherds" of a flock.