Saturday, June 6, 2009

Preaching in a True Church

When sermons are preached
without so much as the mention of Christ’s name, it takes more than
charity, it requires you to tell a lie to say, “That was a Christian sermon”;
and if any people find their joy in a teaching which casts the Lord Jesus
into the background, they are not his church, or else such teaching would
be an abomination to them. Yet have I heard it said that from some
ministries you may go away like Mary Magdalene from the sepulcher,
exclaiming, “They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they
have laid him.”

The true church saith, “Give
us what learning and eloquence you will, but we cannot be content except
Christ be glorified; preach us what you may, we will never be satisfied
unless he who is the express image of the Father shall be set forth in our
midst.” Then, I say, she speaketh like the true bride of Christ, but if she can
be content to see her Lord dishonored she is no chaste spouse of Christ.


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